
Every sport comes with its own physical demands and challenges. Whether you’re looking for sports injury rehab, strength and conditioning for improved performance or even pre season screening to hone in on what gains can be made. Push Pull Jump has the knowledge, tools and experience to assist. Having worked with a variety of different sports over the years I have a particular interest in Swimming, Running and Cycling and currently working closely with strength based athletes in collaboration with Viking Strength Gym.

The latest

From the blog

Delve into my thoughts around rehab, strength and conditioning. Discussing injury rehab and prevention, navigating gym work around sport specific training and much more…

Contact us for a session

Even if you're not "injured" , you may still have niggles or tension that can be a limiter in your sessions. We don't just treat your issue, we find out exactly which movements and muscles are causing it and explain to you what's happening. Get on top of those training pains and see how we can help you today.
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