Athlete screening

Athlete Screening is typically used during a pre-season period to establish an athlete's physical baseline values. These can be used to inform programming decisions and used throughout the season to monitor an athlete's current state of progress. You don’t need to be an athlete to benefit from screening as, if you train regularly, the data can be used to get over plateaus in training, assist in goal making and help provide valuable information for training decision making.

How to get the best from athlete screening

As a fully insured member of the Society of Sports Therapists (SST) and an accredited UKSCA Strength and Conditioning coach, merging these roles together helps create a well rounded bespoke athlete screening that fits the individuals needs and performance goals. The results of this can then be used to guide coaches that you work with or help to form a Push Pull Jump strength and conditioning programme to work alongside your sport specific training. The screening protocol can include movement testing, specific joint and movement force production profiling, jump tests and asymmetry tests, establishing any weak links that can be made into a strong link.

The motivation behind offering screening is to offer useful accessible data for individuals that aspire to push themselves to perform at their best and benefits both high level athletes working toward international events and recreational athletes seeking extra speed or power.

Located in Ossett, Wakefield at the well established Viking Strength Gym, the facilities offer a great space to work with a variety of different athletes and offers a great environment to put into action the programming from the results of screening.

For further information or to book a session get in touch today.

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Even if you're not "injured" , you may still have niggles or tension that can be a limiter in your sessions. We don't just treat your issue, we find out exactly which movements and muscles are causing it and explain to you what's happening. Get on top of those training pains and see how we can help you today.
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